How to Evenly Crochet Across Ribbing
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How to Evenly Crochet Across Ribbing

Updated: Oct 18, 2021

When I first started crocheting garments and beanies, I remember getting so incredibly frustrated when a pattern would say to evenly place however many sts across ribbing. Like... whaaaaat the popsicle?! How in the bonkers am I supposed to do that?!

Well, I was sick of always guessing so I put together a couple of simple equations that helped me and, now, I'm sharing them with you! They are totally doable and, most importantly, easy! (P.S. If you'd rather watch the video tutorial, scroll all the way to the bottom!)

SIDE NOTE: This post contains affiliate links. All that means is that I get a tiny commission if you purchase something by going through one of my links at NO extra charge to you! It helps support me and is truly a win win for everyone!

Click here to shop the crochet hooks I use and love!

A - B = C

B / C = D

A = # of sts needed

B = # of rows made

C = The difference (positive # = increase, negative # = decrease)

D = How often you'll need to increase/decrease

Now, I know that's just looks like a bunch of gibberish but I promise, by the end of this blog post, you'll understand it! I'm going to explain each letter and equation in detail so you understand what you are doing and why you are doing it!

To start, go ahead and print off the worksheet by clicking the pdf below or grab a pen and scrap piece of paper and get ready to do SUM math ;)

How to evenly crochet across ribbing wor
Download • 89KB


Letter A = # of stitches needed

Simply, look at your pattern and see how many sts it states you need to evenly place. Write it down next to the letter A, like so: A = 114 sts


Letter B = # of rows made

Count the number of rows of ribbing you have. Write it down next to the letter B, like so: B = 86 rows

Now, if you don't know how to do this, no problem! Look at your ribbing. Do you see those "mountain peaks" and "valleys"? Each one of those is a row.

And if you're feeling really frisky and want to count faster, you can just count the mountain peaks in multiples 2! (That's what I do.)


Now, do the following equation: A - B = C

Example: 114 (A) - 86 (B) = 28 (C)

If C is a positive #, that means you'll need to increase that many times.

If C is a negative #, that means you'll need to decrease that many times.


You'll then, take the total you have from that equation (letter C) and plug it into the next equation: B / C = D

Example: 86 (B) / 28 (C) = 3.07 (D)

This total (letter D) tells you which stitch you'll need to increase on or which stitch your decrease will need to end on.

Increase Example: *sc, sc, inc*, repeat ** across ribbing

Decrease Example: *sc, dec*, repeat ** across ribbing

That's it, guys! I'm so proud of you for following along this far. I know how frustrating it can be to learn new things, so take a moment to pat yourself on the back and take in my *cyber hug*. I really, truly hope this blog post helped you! Please, let me know in the comments if you have any questions or if you'd like me to make a blog post about another common crochet question.

Have a fantabulous day and NEVER forget that the creator of this universe adores you!

🖤 Kayla

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